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Are you an international student in Berlin?

Join the COAT Mentoring Program!

COAT's mentoring program is an independent mentorship program for international students in Berlin, with a particular focus on MA English or American Studies students at the Freie Universität Berlin and JFK Institute.


With membership to our programme, you receive access to:

  • Emotional support in navigating German academic bureaucracy

  • Assistance and insight about developing your study plan

  • Support in understanding the German model for higher education, and how it differs from the North American model

  • Work groups and study sessions to give you structure and help you get things done

  • Advice about academic career moves, like publishing and attending conferences

  • Essay writing assistance -- brainstorming topics, navigating research, and proofreading

  • Workshops on a range of academic and para-academic topics, like cover letters, CVs, conference-going, and paper-writing.


Not sure about being a member? Contact us about one-off coffee and counselling sessions about any of the above topics!



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